Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill

23840 River Rd, Maple Ridge, BC

Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill Salaries, Maple Ridge, BC

How much does Kingfishers Waterfront Bar and Grill in Maple Ridge, BC pay? EightSix collects salary, hourly wage and tip information directly from employees and employers.
Sous Chef (1 salary)
Average Base Pay:
$27.00 /hour
Base Pay Range:
$27.00 - $27.00/hour
Tip Rating:
Line Cook / Chef de Partie (1 salary)
Average Base Pay:
$25.50 /hour
Base Pay Range:
$25.50 - $25.50/hour
Tip Rating:
Bartender (1 salary)
Average Base Pay:
$18.50 /hour
Base Pay Range:
$18.50 - $18.50/hour
Tip Rating:
Please note that all salary, wage and tip amounts are approximations based upon third party submissions to EightSix Network. Minimum wage may differ by province and you should contact the employer for actual salary and wage figures.